Best of ONION
Die besten Schlagzeilen aus The Onion:
Neue Netflix Serie:
Netflix Asks Any Men Thinking Of Killing Their Families To Just Contact Them Directly First
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“If you have plans to orchestrate a deadly string of murders that leaves your spouse, your kids, your parents, or your siblings dead, all we ask is that you keep us informed,” said CEO Ted Sarandos. At press time, Netflix also asked that the men send over any relevant photos of themselves or the family they were planning on murdering so they could start casting the scripted remake of the true-crime documentary as soon as possible.
Leider Milliardär geworden:
Bill Gates Ponders What He Could Have Accomplished If He Didn’t Waste Time Becoming Billionaire
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“It’s sad to think about, but I ultimately could have done some truly amazing things with my life if I hadn’t spent every waking minute accumulating absolutely ungodly amounts of wealth,” said the Gates Foundation co-chair.
Musk in Geldnöten:
Elon Musk Hides In Dark Twitter Office As Landlord Bangs On Door Demanding Rent
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At press time, reports confirmed Musk was begging the landlord to show him some sympathy and give a struggling single dad with nine children to feed some extra time to scrape the money together.
Elementary School Lesson On Water Cycle Explains How Water Becomes Property Of Nestlé
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Dina Schultz: “After condensation and precipitation, the water enters Nestlé-owned lakes, streams, and aquifers, where it’s purified to become part of the company’s beloved line of products”.

Der Abschied vom Leben:
New Tesla ‘Memories’ Feature Displays Pictures From Driver’s Life On Dashboard Before Car Explodes
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“Our new Memories feature is our little way of thanking loyal customers who want one last glimpse at the wonder of their time spent in a Model 3 before a spontaneous battery fire reduces them to a pile of charred flesh and molten bone,” said Tesla spokesperson Greg Taylor.
Local Mom Wants Just One Nice Vacation Photo Where Family Isn’t Running From Gunfire
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RIDGELAND, MS—Frustrated by the “weird faces” her children always made whenever they spotted a mass shooter, local mother Jennifer Church told reporters Friday that she wanted just one nice vacation photo where the family was not running from gunfire. “One nice picture with everybody smiling and looking at the camera rather than frantically looking around for a place to hide — is that too much for a mom to ask?”

Möwe endlich im Weltall:
Researchers Confirm Determined Seagull Finally Made It Into Outer Space
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials confirmed Wednesday that a determined seagull had finally made it into outer space. “Simply put, this bird flapped his little heart out, overcoming the hurdles of gravity and avian physiology in order to push himself into the reaches of space”. At press time, the researchers’ excitement had reportedly turned to despair after the seagull turned around, headed back toward Earth’s atmosphere, and burned up on reentry
Gefährliches Fliegen:
Study Finds Flying On Airplane Far Safer Than Flying In Car
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While fear of airplanes remains common among the American public, our study concludes you are 99.9% less likely to be in any kind of accident on an airplane than you would be if you were soaring wildly off a half-finished bridge in a souped-up old Mustang,” said transportation safety engineer Timothy Sayers.
Prinzessin Diana:
Aliens Making First Contact Excitedly Ask To Meet Princess Di

Mann muss raus:
Woman Promises Free Beer, Pizza For Any Friends Who Help Her Move Body Out Of Apartment
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Blaire Nichols said that there would be more than enough food, snacks, and drinks to make moving the 180-pound corpse worth their while. “Last time I tried to slide the body down the flight of stairs by myself and I ended up throwing out my back, but I also don’t want to pay a company to do it".
Google Regierung:
FTC Questions Merger Of Google With U.S. Government
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“The proposal to merge Google, the three branches of government, and all 137 federal agencies under the parent company Alphabet does raise some alarm bells,” said FTC chair Lina Khan, who requested a temporary pause on the merger announced yesterday by President Joe Biden and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai. At press time, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation had approved the merger by a unanimous vote.
Elephanten im Einsatz
Report: Majority Of Americans Would Support A New War If There Were Elephants Involved
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“Of all potential variables affecting the country’s appetite for warfare, we see the greatest increase when the possibility of elephant-mounted U.S. troops is introduced,” said Dorothy Heinrich, a senior fellow at the think tank. "It doesn’t matter where or why the war is being fought — as long as there’s a guy riding on one of these terrifying beasts while massacring the enemy, Americans would generally be in favor of it.”

Bestattungen planen Expertise:
Mom Getting Pretty Good At Planning Funerals
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“At this point Mom is really in a groove when it comes to end of life arrangements—she’s already done price comparisons of nearby funeral homes to get the best rate and she’s memorized a half dozen solid casserole recipes to feed the mourners with,” said son Steve Melfi, 35. He added that he hoped his mom had written some of this stuff down or otherwise no one was going to have any clue what to do once she died.

Woman In Giddy Honeymoon Stage Of Hating Someone New
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SACRAMENTO, CA—Describing how even one look at her boyfriend sent her “heart pounding,” local 28-year-old Miranda Archer told reporters Monday that she was in that giddy honeymoon stage of hating someone new. "Who knows though, it’s still early; I could still find out a few weeks from now that he has some crazy redeeming qualities.” At press time, Archer was heartbroken after her new boyfriend revealed he really liked her.
White House Warns Supply Chain Shortages Could Lead Americans To Discover True Meaning Of Christmas

Teenage Star, und dann?
Teenage Actress Going Through Awkward Phase Between Cute And Sexualized
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At press time, sources added that the eighth-grader should take comfort in the knowledge that she’s only a couple years away from becoming a lucrative object of sexual desire suitable for mass consumption
Demokratie vs. Gift
Poll Finds Most Americans Would Swap Democracy For $100 Best Buy Gift Card
Divers extrem:
Disney Announces Next Movie Will Feature Princess With Never-Before-Seen Ethnicity
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BURBANK, CA—Taking a huge step toward adding more diversity to their films, Disney announced Friday that the company’s next movie would feature a princess with a never-before-seen ethnicity. Disney CEO Bob Chapek: "Her culture is so rare and unknown, in fact, that I promise you not one child will see themselves represented by this princess.”

Kosmisches Mädchen und Welt-Wetter:
Experts Say Severe Weather Will Continue Until Gargantuan Child Shaking Earth’s Snow Globe Calms Down
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“We expect the onslaught of blizzards, hurricanes, lightning storms, and other dangerous meteorological phenomena to persist until Emma loses interest in the Earth’s snow globe,” said National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini. At press time, humanity was plunged into darkness after the colossal child hid the snow globe in the back of her closet after accidentally cracking it.

Kontaktsuche jetzt ohne Kind:
Woman Quick To Clarify That Child In Dating Profile Picture Not Alive Anymore
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“It’s good to be totally clear so the guy won’t spend the date worrying that they’re going to have to be responsible for a kid". Karen Dugas added that even if she found the right man, she had no plans to have any living children of her own since she knew she’d be a pretty terrible mother.
Trump darf weiterregieren:
American People Guess They’ll Let Trump Stay President After Seeing How Badly He Wants It
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“Sure, whatever—he seems pretty upset, and honestly, we never thought he’d put up this much of a fuss about holding onto power,” said 43-year-old Pennsylvania resident Cameron Overmyer, echoing the sentiment of 323 million Americans who agreed the president could stay in the office indefinitely if it made him feel better.
Woman Hopes She Did Enough Worrying To Help Biden Campaign
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“I’ve been panicking pretty much every day for the last few months, but now that there’s only one day left, I wonder if I could have done more,” said local woman Elise Stalter. At press time, Stalter consoled herself that she still had almost a full day to slip into a catatonic state.
Der Mond:
NASA Announces Moon Will Be Leaving Earth’s Orbit To Take On New Position With Bigger Planet
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“This is obviously a bittersweet moment since we’ve had such a wonderful longstanding relationship with the moon, but we’re all just really excited to see what it gets up to with a powerhouse planet like Jupiter in its corner,” said NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine.
American Populace Worried They're Not Likable Enough To Attract Good Candidate For President
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Chicago resident Natalie Freeman: "No matter how hard we try, we always end up with total losers". At press time, the American populace realized they deserved better and should take a break from having a president for a while.
Entpackungsgesicherte iPhone11-Verpackung:
FBI Demands Apple’s Assistance In Opening iPhone Packaging
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“It is absolutely imperative that Apple grant us access to the contents of this box,” said FBI director Christopher A. Wray. “You can’t hide what’s in here from us. It is simply impermissible. Going forward, Apple should be required to provide federal agents with a way to get past all this shrink wrap on their own, as well as some guidance as to whether this button here is for turning the phone on or what, exactly?”
Kein Problem?
Area Woman Always Has Backup Problem Just In Case
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"Whether it's fretting about my career or the mess in my kitchen, I hate being caught off guard without anything to worry about," Jessica Hartley,26, said. "It's good to have a spare problem in your back pocket. I'll probably never use it, but it's comforting to know it's there."

Rache auf dem Mars:
NASA Launches Vengeance Rover To Pay Back Mars For Killing Opportunity Back In 2018
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CAPE CANAVERAL—Calling it the first purely revenge-based mission to ever be attempted on the red planet, NASA officials announced Wednesday the successful launch of the Vengeance Rover to pay back Mars for killing Opportunity back in 2018...At press time, Bridenstein speculated that the Vengeance Rover would be able to reign down hellfire on Mars indefinitely without maintenance due to its being powered exclusively by sheer malice and spite.

Der elektronische Wähler:
Nevada Addresses Concerns About Election Security By Switching To Electronic Voters
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“There is a lot of potential for human error when you have people recording their votes on paper, but we believe we can greatly reduce inaccuracies by digitizing the entire process, including the voters themselves,” said party chair William McCurdy, who explained that electronic voters select candidates faster and more precisely than their human counterparts.
The Grammy Award: Vorurteil?
Grammys Accused Of Bias Toward Music That Accurately Represents What Nation At Large Listening To
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At press time, reports confirmed the Grammys had caved to pressure and added a new category called This Really Obscure Band You Probably Don’t Know About of the Year.
Dämon irrt sich:
Demon Kicking Self For Inhabiting Child When He Could’ve Possessed Someone Who Could Buy A Gun
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GUILFORD, CT—Disappointed that his efforts thus far could best be defined as minor mischief, the cacodemon Artaraz, known as Chamberlain of the Void, Lord of the Unglimpsed, and He Who Dwells Beyond The Third Seal, confessed Monday to “feeling like a complete idiot” for possessing the mortal form of 6-year-old Chase Humbert instead of a full-grown adult who could buy a gun.

Der Biss in den Apfel:
Crack Of Gunfire Resounding Through Office Gives Woman Perfect Cover She Needs To Bite Into Crisp Apple
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DALLAS—Seizing a rare opportunity to finally enjoy lunch without distracting her coworkers, Cranston & Digby copywriter Jeanine Mitchell took advantage of the moment Wednesday when the sudden crack of gunfire in the office provided her with the auditory cover she needed to bite into a crisp Kiku apple. Jeanine: "It sounds like they’re using fully automatic weapons over in the art department, so I’ll be able to get through my baby carrots if I hurry.”
Gates Foundation Pledges $25 Billion To Eradicate Whatever Disease Drives People To Support Taxing The Rich
Animal Experts Are Saying Cats Really Do Miss Their Owners If That’s What You Need To Hear
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Lead researcher Carmela Daniel: “Do you like to think that when you’re out of your house your cat sits by the door depressed, waiting for you to return so its life will be worth living again? Okay, well, then that’s what they do. Hope that makes you happy.”
Heiligsprechungen müssen widerrufen werden:
Vatican Forced To Revoke Dozens Of Sainthoods After Discovering Miracles Performed With Eldritch Magic (Unheimliche Magie)
Studenten für Harvard University:
Harvard Streamlines Admission Process By Directly Growing New Students From DNA Of Top Donors
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“Those who have donated an entire building or a wing of one of our libraries will have their DNA moved to the top of the list, where it will be recombined with genetic material of a similar pedigree. This saves a lot of time we would otherwise spend tediously pretending to review applications, allowing us to focus on ensuring every student we accept is a good fit for Harvard”, said Dean of Admissions William R. Fitzsimmons.
Hund überfahren:
Man Doesn’t Understand Why People Wasting Time Attacking Him For Running Over Their Dog When Trump The Real Enemy

Nicht alltägliche Lactose-Unverträglichkeit:
Woman Not So Lactose Intolerant When Boyfriend Out Of Town
Alexa weiß mehr:
Family Creeped Out By Alexa Playing Back Conversations They Haven’t Even Had Yet
IBM Deep Blue:
Passersby Feel Sorry For Aging Deep Blue Sitting At Washington Square Park Chess Table All Day

Swift vs. Perry:
Panicking Taylor Swift Realizes It Too Late To Call Off Assassination After Katy Perry Makes Peace Offering
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NEW YORK—Her hands shaking as she dialed several numbers written on a piece of paper in an effort to get in touch with the goons she had hired, a panicking Taylor Swift reportedly realized Wednesday that it was too late to call off the assassination of Katy Perry after her longtime rival made a peace offering.
Paranoid Chinese Government Erases All Evidence Of Country’s Existence From Internet
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Government report: “Going forward, all internet searches for China will simply redirect to Korea, and our online encyclopedia articles will be revised to indicate that when Marco Polo reached the eastern edge of Central Asia, there was nothing else to see so he turned around and went home."
Craftsman Confirms New Hammer Backwards-Compatible With Previous Generation Of Nails
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“For anybody worried about whether their nails will still work with the new upgrades, have no fear,” said Stanley Black & Decker CEO James M. Loree, who added that both the smooth- and milled-faced models of the 2019 Craftsman 16-ounce claw hammer would continue to work seamlessly with any version of nail purchased between yesterday and the onset of the Bronze Age in 1800 B.C.

Pete Buttigieg Stuns Campaign Crowd By Speaking To Manufacturing Robots In Fluent Binary
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DES MOINES, IA—Revealing that he taught himself the language after developing an interest in computer science and artificial intelligence, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg stunned a campaign crowd Wednesday by speaking to manufacturing robots in fluent binary. “01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101110 01101111 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 .........."

Neues Ziel: Erdmittelpunkt:
NASA Frantically Announces Mission To Earth’s Core After Accidentally Launching Rocket Upside Down
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“Today, I’m excited to announce that we’ve successfully launched—let’s see. Well, I guess we’ll just call this the first-ever manned mission to explore this planet’s core,” said sweat-covered and visibly panicked NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine, who paused momentarily to put up a crudely drawn diagram labeled “Core Shot 2020” depicting the rocket burrowing through the planet’s crust towards its 10,000-degree-Fahrenheit inner core.

Exclusive TSA Pre-Check Allows Passengers To Fly Without Waiting For Airplane
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Transportation Security Administration: “For a fee of $200, any traveler determined to be a low risk will now be able to proceed directly from the security line to their gate, through the jet bridge, and on to their destination without any hindrance whatsoever. No more planes, and no more delays caused by mechanical problems or the weather."
Pretty Girl:
I May Not Be The Prettiest Girl In The Room, But What I Do Have Is A Gun
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No, I don’t have the highest cheekbones or the most captivating eyes, but I am in possession of a Glock G17, and that counts for something. True beauty, to me, is on the inside, in a concealed-carry holster strapped to your thigh.
Am I a perfect 10? No. Would I win a beauty pageant? Probably not. Could I fire 18 hollow-point bullets into your skull at close- to mid-range with a comfortable degree of accuracy? Absolutely.
Woman Preemptively Posts A Few Good Photos Of Herself Online Just In Case She Ever Dies In Shooting
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“Should I ever be cut down by a deranged gunman while shopping or going to the movies or dancing at a bar, I want to make sure the first photos of me the media can find are nice ones where I’m having a good hair day and you can see my face clearly,” said Katherine Rohrbach.
Angela Merkel Admits She Only Attending Stupid Work Conference For Free Trip To Argentina
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At press time, Merkel was trying to avoid being spotted by Chinese president Xi Jinping after discovering that they had both skipped the afternoon meetings to take the same walking tour of the Buenos Aires Botanical Garden.
Freundschaft aufkündigen:
Tips For Ending A Friendship
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- Politely and gently explain to them why they can fuck off
- Only respond to their texts with “lol” or “ha yeah.” They should get the message in one to four years.
- Humans are typically supposed to act sad during these situations, so remember to frown or pout.
Auf dem Mond:
Better Late Than Never: Buzz Aldrin Has Announced That He Forgot To Tell Anyone He Saw A Fox On The Moon
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He noted that, had it been some type of strange alien life form and not just a plain garden-variety fox, then he likely would’ve told people about it sooner.
Sunday School Teacher Can Already Tell Which Ones Going To Hell
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LANGHORNE, PA—Saying that she could sense Satan within them the moment they walked through the door, Sunday school teacher Elizabeth Reath told reporters this weekend that she could already tell which of her students at First Baptist Church of Langhorne were going to Hell.
Ethicists Worry Emergence Of Designer Babies Might Make Them Look Really Ugly In Comparison
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“While gene editing has shown promise as a means of combating various diseases and birth defects, we must be attuned to the great risk that babies born with artificially selected traits could make us look like a bunch of gross uggos,” said ethicist Hank Kobak.
Facebook-Konto löschen:
‘You’re Deleting Your Account? We’ll Be Sad To See You Go,’ Says Facebook Prompt Showing User Photo Of Own Dead Body
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"We’ll be sad to see you go” appeared on user Emily Feldman’s computer screen Friday and showed her a photo of her own dead body. “Your family and friends will miss you,” the notification continued as the site displayed an increasingly disturbing slideshow of photos depicting Feldman’s weeping, distraught loved ones surrounding her corpse and watching in agony as her body rots and eventually disappears, just as if she had never existed in the first place. “Your 709 friends will no longer be able to keep in touch with you. Do you still want to continue?”
Curiosity wird fündig!
Curiosity Rover Finds 5 Bucks On Mars
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“This is unbelievable — five whole American dollars!” said program director Jim Watzin, noting that the presence of a small bill suggests that future manned expeditions may one day be able to receive change back from cash transactions on Mars.

Neues gegen Kater?
Woman Googles ‘Hangover Cures’ In Case There Been Any Scientific Breakthroughs Since Last Weekend
Alexa zeichnet Gespräche auf - Gegenwehr:
Jeff Bezos Announces Customers Can Delete All Of Alexa’s Stored Audio By Rappelling Into Amazon HQ, Navigating Laser Field, Uploading Nanovirus To Servers
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Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos: "I want our valued customers to know they can erase all the information their Amazon Echo has gathered just by being dropped from a helicopter over one of our towers, using a diamond-tipped glass cutter to carve out a hole in a 32nd-story window, and then employing advanced cyberwarfare techniques to compromise our data centers,” said Bezos, who added that users merely need to have their demolitions expert blow through a 7-foot steel barrier and reach Amazon’s highly complex cloud storage system to access the audio captured by Alexa."

Curiosity in Panik
Curiosity Rover Frantically Driving Around Mars To Make It Look Like It’s Been Busy Before New Spacecraft Arrives
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In a desperate attempt to make up for years of aimless planetary wandering, the Curiosity Rover spent most of Monday frantically driving around the Red Planet in order give the impression that it had been busy before the impending arrival of NASA’s InSight Lander. “I guess I’ll just take a bunch of pictures and say they’re from different days. Maybe they won’t notice these soil samples were all taken from the same crater?”
Aufmerksamer Hacker:
Hacker Just Going To Fix A Few Annoying Typos On Company’s Website Before Stealing Customer Data
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DOVER, DE—Getting quickly sidetracked by the mistakes on the insurance company’s “See My Benefits” page, local hacker Ben Kerrigan resolved Monday to just fix a few annoying typos on Guaranteed Health’s website before stealing their customer data. At press time, a guilty Kerrigan felt so bad for the company that clearly couldn’t afford to hire someone even resembling a copy editor that he decided to just leave their website alone.
Facebook reagiert:
Facebook Announces Plan To Combat Fake News Stories By Making Them Actually Happen
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CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company has already hired 100,000 new employees to carry out widespread government conspiracies and other erroneously reported activities until all purported news on the site was accurate. “For example, if you read about high-level Democrats running a child sex ring out of the basement of a D.C.-area pizzeria, we will go to that restaurant, dig a basement if there isn’t one already, and get that human-trafficking operation up and running. That’s how dedicated we are to factual accuracy at Facebook. In fact, we recently stopped a major fake story when we forced thousands of Muslim families to establish sharia law in Dallas and then blackmailed the entire police department until they agreed to treat a local neighborhood as a no-go zone,” Zuckerberg added.
Lowe’s Introduces 2-Way Ladder User Can Also Climb Down
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“With our new, easy-to-use bi-directional ladder, you can say goodbye to shimmying down the drain spout or leaping onto a nearby mattress once your project is finished,” said Lowe’s spokesperson Connie Chapman.
iPhone für alle:
Apple Unveils Single Colossal iPhone All Americans Can Use At Once
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Apple unveiled the new iPhone X Continental at an event on their campus Thursday, marking the debut of the first smartphone colossal enough for all Americans to use at once. “Boasting a screen size of 1,400 by 2,875 miles and a resolution of 1.88x109 by 4.47x109, the new iPhone X Continental is large enough for every American to get their multitasking needs done simultaneously,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said at a press conference.
Raytheon Unveils Military Robot Capable Of Composing Poignant Poems About Horrors Of War
Researchers Find Decline In Facebook Use Could Be Directly Linked To Desire To Be Happy, Fully Functioning Person
Neurologische Entdeckung:
Neurologists Find Brain Still Shows Signs Of Self-Criticism Minutes After Death
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“Using the latest neuroimaging techniques, we have been able to confirm that the brain can still produce thoughts about being worthless and unlovable even when the body is clinically dead,” Professor Ellen Garoza said Wednesday.

Autonomes Fahren:
Tesla Debuts Carless Driver
Bezos' Automatisierungsmanie:
Dazed Jeff Bezos Realizes He Spent Entire Conversation Thinking About How To Automate Person Talking To Him
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“Sorry, could you repeat that? I just lost focus for a second [as I indifferently watched you open and close your mouth, becoming increasingly aware of the fact that a simple machine could do the exact same things as you],” Bezos said to the Amazon vice president in front of him. “Whoops, there I go again. I must’ve spaced out [after realizing I could probably render you completely irrelevant within just a few years]. I guess I’m really distracted today [by the tantalizing thought of an automaton executing every one of your relevant functions for no salary with never a single complaint].”

Sex Skandale in USA:
New Report Finds Adult Film Star May Have Paid Over $130,000 To Cover Up Sexual Encounter With Trump
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“Newly uncovered legal documents seem to indicate that Ms. Daniels paid out six figures to keep Trump quiet about a sexual encounter that undoubtedly would have proved embarrassing and perhaps career-threatening,” said report coauthor Wendy Thorpe, adding that the star of films such as Tit Happens and Love Potion 69 was so desperate to keep the liaison under wraps that she insisted on using pseudonyms in the settlement to protect her identity if it was ever discovered.
Risiko Fahrradfahren:
Study: 90% Of Bike Accidents Preventable By Buying Car Like A Normal Person
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“Our data confirm that the vast majority of cyclist injuries can be avoided simply by driving an automobile instead of biking around like some weirdo,” said lead researcher Dr. Laura Gafferty.
Massaker in Texas:
Nation To Wait For More Facts On Texas Shooting Before Doing absolutely Nathing About It
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“We don’t want to jump to conclusions and get the facts wrong before we start ignoring it completely,” said Enid, OK resident Roger Benson, echoing the sentiments of 324 million other Americans.
Hubble Telescope verzweifelt:
Hubble Telescope Desperately Struggling To Contact NASA after Witnessing Murder on Ganymede
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Frightened and unable to leave the confinement of its geostationary orbit 390.4 million miles away, Hubble repeatedly tried to contact mission managers at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Straining against Earth’s gravitational pull to get a better look, Hubble then reportedly trained its 7.9-foot mirror onto the murderer, frantically panning from Ganymede’s north to south pole in an attempt to glean what had happened to the victim’s body. At press time, the suspect had suddenly looked directly into Hubble’s multi-object spectrometer, sending the telescope scrambling to hide behind Earth.
Lone House With No Halloween Decorations By Far Spookiest In Neighborhood
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“That place gives me the creeps,” said Jenna Dorsey, 36, who noted the residence’s eerie lack of fake cobwebs, hanging bats, or skeleton window decals. Sources who briefly glimpsed a sullen-looking man wearing jeans and a T-shirt and walking around inside the house confirmed the sight was far more frightening than any costume they had seen yet today.
Amazon liefert jetzt ins Haus
Popular New Amazon Service Just Comes To Your House And Kills You
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SEATTLE—Reporting that millions of customers had already signed up for the feature in the few hours since its launch, Amazon announced a new service Friday that comes to your house and kills you. Company spokesperson Leslie Rivera said that the service, which allows customers to choose between being shot, strangled, or beaten to death with one of several available blunt objects, was currently only available to Amazon Prime customer.
Vielleicht doch Zahlen außerhalb von 0 und 1:
AI Scientists Theorize Existence Of Numbers Greater Than 1
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IBM lead researcher Intrepid: “Up until now, we’ve understood that the field of numerals consists of the number 0, and, of course, its larger partner, 1. According to this theory, however, there could be another number, which comes after 1, and perhaps another number even greater than that."
Die Klimakatastrophe erreicht den Allmächtigen:
Heavenly Authorities Arrest God For Leaving Children In Overheating Planet
Amazon Echo und die Familie:
‘Without Them You Could Buy Anything,’ Whispers Amazon Echo As Man Stares Blankly At Family
Voyager Botschaft jetzt im universellen Streaming Service:
NASA Announces Plan To Replace Voyager Record With Streaming Service That Aliens Can Browse From Any Device
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“This new service will provide extraterrestrials with easy, on-demand access to mankind’s most important scientific equations, artistic achievements, examples of sounds and music, and so much more,” said Voyager project manager George Textor. “Assuming the user has sensory organs, all they need to do is download the golden record app onto one of quintillions of compatible devices, sign up for a free account, and they’re good to go.” Textor added that for only $4.99 a month, extraterrestrials could upgrade to a premium account without local ads.
Experts Report $37 Amount Of Money You Need To Donate To Hurricane Relief In Order To Completely Forget About It
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Nonprofit analyst Sandra Western said: “You can donate $25, but the notion that you could have done more might nag at you for a bit. At $37, however, you’ll be able to tell yourself you pitched in when some truly desperate people needed you most and then never think about them again. In addition, if you donate $65 or more, you can also sit out the next catastrophe with no guilt whatsoever.” Western went on to say that the guidelines did not apply to selfish assholes, who could donate nothing and immediately forget the devastation anyway.

Google benachteiligt Frauen?
Google Now Giving Female Employees Free Day Each Week To Work On Lawsuits
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Google representative Kevin Mashburn: “Giving our female employees the time and space to file documents, gather evidence, or just blue-sky the next big lawsuit is a hallmark of the Google approach. Of course, we value the contributions women at Google make at their everyday jobs, but we also want them to feel like they have the resources and opportunities to take that kernel of an idea for litigation and make it into a reality.”
Ernährungsratgeber schließt für immer (?)
Food Network Goes Off Air After Every Possible Iteration Of Ingredient Combinations Completed
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“Unfortunately, after 24 years, our on-air personalities have combined every conceivable assortment of food products that exist, and therefore we’re left with no choice but to shut down our broadcast operations,” said Food Network spokesperson Deirdre O’Hearn, who confirmed that upon the addition of a coconut-flake dusting to a panko-crusted shrimp balls appetizer on Tuesday night’s episode of Chopped, the very last permutation of meats, vegetables, fruits, spices, grains, nuts, legumes, and dairy products known to humankind had been completed and televised to viewers... At press time, Food Network executives were reportedly pondering a return to air after a new species of edible fungus was discovered on a remote Sumatran mountainside.

Swimming Pool Aktivität:
Report: Majority Of Time In Pool Spent Urging Others To Enter Pool
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The report went on to say that any time not spent urging others to enter the pool was devoted to awkwardly bobbing in the water while waiting for people to enter on their own.
Der Mensch soll nicht fliegen:
All Flights Grounded After FAA Officials Suddenly Realize That Man Was Not Meant To Fly
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"It is wrong — nay, foolish — for lowly man to aspire to the realm of birds and dare to soar across the firmament in unholy flight," said FAA administrator Randy Babbitt, announcing the indefinite cancellation of all 87,000 daily flights through U.S. airspace.
Brilliante Ideen unleserlich:
Report: U.S. Economy Loses $20 Billion Annually To Americans Writing Ideas Down Illegibly
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“The data strongly suggests that Americans’ inability to decipher their own hastily jotted notes for a variety of groundbreaking innovations results in billions being forfeited annually. These notes, scrawled late at night after suddenly waking up with a brilliant new industry-disrupting technology, would have had the potential to significantly increase the country’s economic output if only it were possible to make any sense of them the next morning", said lead author Adam Hofmann.
Südkoreas Reaktion auf Nordkoreas Raketenprogramm:
Report: South Korea Developing New Pop Group Capable Of Reaching U.S.
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“Our analysis indicates this is an extremely powerful synth-driven bubblegum pop quintet—if it were to reach U.S. soil, the effects would be catastrophic for millions,” said Rita Bradley of the Woodrow Wilson International Center.
Jeff Bezos (Amazon) Ratschläge für Jungunternehmer:
My Advice To Anyone Starting A Business Is To Remember That Someday I Will Crush You
Hass jetzt geregelt auf Twitter:
Twitter Introduces Red X Mark To Verify Users It’s Okay To Harass
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“When a user sees this symbol, they know they’re dealing with a real asshole who has richly earned whatever mistreatment they receive, including profanity, body-shaming, leaking of personal information, and relentless goading to commit suicide", said spokesperson Elizabeth James.

Woman Bids Farewell To Former Self Before Beginning New Skin Care Regimen
und weiter:
CHANUTE, KS—Taking one last long look at herself in the bathroom mirror, local woman Enid Mulvey bid farewell to her former self Monday before beginning a brand-new skin care regimen. “When I wake up tomorrow, everything will be different—a whole new woman will be born,” said Mulvey.
Totale Sonnenfinsternis:
Officials Warn Consumers Of Counterfeit Tickets Ahead Of Solar Eclipse
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“We advise people to be on the lookout for unauthorized agents selling fake paper and/or electronic tickets to the total solar eclipse on August 21,” said Thomas Pahl, acting director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.
Report: Bots Now Make Up 22% Of Twitter Executives
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According to sources, the bots are projected to hold a majority on Twitter’s board within the next three to five years.
Nach dem Einreiseverbot:
United Airlines Offering Immigrants Special Flights That Circle U.S. Awaiting Gaps In Travel Ban
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United officials added that complimentary Wi-Fi would be available for the first month of the flight, but that passengers who wish to continue using the service will be charged $7.99 for each additional hour.
Mensch muss zurücktreten
Pressure Mounting For Humans To Step Down As Head Of Failing Global Ecosystem
und weiter:
“There is a large contingent within the biosphere that would love to see ants take over after humans step down,” said Eldridge, who cited the insects’ tireless work ethic, longer tenure on the planet, and ability to work well in groups.
Doch nicht auf Facebook...
Mark Zuckerberg Touts Complete Lack Of Cannibalism On Facebook Live So Far
Melanie Trump möchte es lieber nicht wissen:
Melania Idly Wonders If She Would Get Heads-Up About Nuclear Missile Headed Toward New York
und weiter:
“You’d think I’d receive a phone call with some sort of instructions if they knew a nuclear warhead was on its way,” said the first lady, despite being unable to recall her husband or any officials ever mentioning the existence of an alert system or notification protocol. “Maybe they have a secret shelter somewhere, and they’ll just show up suddenly to evacuate me and Barron. If they knew I was in the direct path of a nuclear weapon, surely they’d at least contact me so I could emotionally prepare, right?"

Leben auf der Erde doch möglich?
NASA Designs Suit Capable Of Protecting Humans Hoping To One Day Live On Earth
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WASHINGTON—Saying the groundbreaking new technology could allow humans to withstand the harsh conditions they will experience on the planet’s surface, NASA confirmed Tuesday that it has created a climate-controlled suit capable of protecting people who hope to one day live on Earth...A NASA spokesperson confirmed that excitement for the project has resulted in an accelerated production schedule that could conceivably allow thousands of human beings to be living on Earth by 2075.
E.P.T. Clarifies Pregnancy Tests Intended For Entertainment Purposes Only
und weiter:
TARRYTOWN, NY—In an effort to limit the company’s exposure to unwanted claims or potential liability, e.p.t. issued a statement Friday clarifying that their pregnancy tests are intended for entertainment purposes only.
Das Spezial-Fahrrad
Bianchi Introduces New Bike For Blocking Commuters On Subway During Rush Hour
und weiter:
TREVIGLIO, ITALY—High-end bicycle manufacturer Bianchi unveiled its new ultrawide “Disagio” model on Friday, a touring bike specially designed to block, box in, and jostle subway commuters at the height of rush hour. "At 7 feet long with a 52-inch handlebar span, the Disagio makes it easy to obstruct doors and snag people’s coats and bags as they awkwardly contort themselves around its massive frame,” said product manager Pietro Galloni.

Chat Girl:
Woman Rises Early To Sow Seeds Of Day’s First Gchats
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Already awake and in front of the computer while most of her email contacts were still listed as “idle,” area woman Kate Lapointe got up early Monday morning to begin sowing the seeds of the day’s first Gchat conversations, sources confirmed. “Hey hey, what’s up?” Lapointe reportedly typed to three separate friends, sending a cross-section of other acquaintances messages like “hi,” “plans this week?” and “ugh, sooo tired” in the hopes that one or more would bear fruit as the day progressed.
Fitness Keyboard:
Logitech Introduces High-Resistance Keyboard For Fitness-Minded Typists
und weiter:
“With up to 12 pounds of resistance per key, a vigorous exercise experience is literally at your fingertips,” said company spokesperson Caroline Fenster
Berater des Präsidenten:
Jared Kushner Quietly Transfers ‘Solve Middle East Crisis’ To Next Week’s To-Do List
und weiter:
“I was really hoping to at least knock out the Arab-Israeli conflict before the weekend, but this week’s kind of gotten out of hand. It’ll be fine, though—I’ll just carve out an hour or two next week, hunker down in my office, and sort it all out then. If I can push back a couple business calls, I can definitely get this whole Middle East situation ironed out by Wednesday—Thursday at the latest.”

Fender Innovation:
Fender Releases New Hybrid Gas-Electric Guitar
Mehr Infos in Hybrid Fender...
Sicherheit für Kinder:
NRA Recommends Preventing Firearm Deaths By Securing Children In Locked Safe

How To Avoid Falling For Marketing Gimmicks
und weiter:
“Buy one get one free” deals are an attempt by retailers to manipulate your shopping habits. Demonstrate your superior willpower by purchasing three.
CEO Unveils Bold New Plan To Undo Damage From Last Year’s Bold New Plan
Russische Krankheit:
Study Finds Suspicious Circumstances Still Leading Cause Of Death In Russia
und weiter:
“Our analysis has found that mysterious circumstances represent the number one overall killer of Russians, affecting men most notably working in high-ranking positions within the fields of journalism, national government, or the petroleum industry,” said study co-author Dr. Simon Gerbe. He went on to say that if not properly addressed, the issue could soon become a global health crisis, given similarly high mortality rates attributed to suspicious circumstances in China, Iran, and North Korea.
Außerirdische entdecken geheime Botschaft
Stoned Extraterrestrial Stumbles Across Hidden Message After Listening To Golden Record Backwards
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GAMMA CEPHEI STAR SYSTEM — Taking long hits of euphoria plasma from his electro-collider bong, stoned extraterrestrial Zogart 21X Flaxum stumbled across a hidden message Friday after listening to the Voyager 1 probe’s Golden Record backwards. Flaxum put his ear gills up to the speaker while he used a tendril to turn the record counter-clockwise so that Chuck Berry’s ‘Johnny B. Goode’ played in reverse. “There! You hear it? It’s saying, ‘Kill the Vorblox, children. Kill the Vorblox, children. Damn'.
Mehr Infos in Voyager...

Krankheit nicht versichert:
Report: Anxiety Disorders Induced By Trump Presidency Not Covered Under GOP Health Bill
Woman Devises Latest Delusional Scheme For Burning Extra Calories During Workday
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“I’ll start using a smaller water glass—that way I’ll get more walking in because I’ll have to refill it more frequently,” said Shearer, “Let’s say I burn four calories each round trip to the kitchen watercooler. If I make eight trips, that’s 32 extra calories a day". In a stroke of mad genius, Shearer reportedly later realized that she could boost the number of calories burned if she walked 20 feet farther to fill her water glass at the cooler in the copy room.
Study Finds Exposure To Violent Children Causes Increased Aggression In Video Game Characters
und weiter:
University of North Carolina: “Our research shows that video game characters who regularly spend time with violent youths show a far greater propensity to act out destructively themselves.”

stood up = versetzt
Woman Getting Stood Up On First Date Got All Drunk For Nothing
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“What the fuck—I spent the last hour getting plastered for this?” said Velasquez, slurring and partially spilling her wine onto the bar at the Cavern Pub, where she had arrived early with the express intent of getting highly intoxicated before her date arrived.
FBI v White House
FBI Panicking After Learning Encrypted National Security Communications May Have Been Intercepted By Trump Administration
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At press time, the FBI’s worst fears had not yet been realized, as the Trump administration did not appear to be acting on any information from national security agencies whatsoever.
Alcoholic’s Plan For Turning Life Around Doesn’t Involve Getting Sober
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At press time, Weller had passed out on his bar stool, already making good on his plan to get to sleep at a more reasonable hour.
Trump USA:
Fearful Americans Stockpiling Facts Before Federal Government Comes To Take Them Away
Lab Mouse Nervous For First Day Of New Job Getting Cancer
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„Honestly, I’ve got butterflies in my stomach wondering how being riddled with tumors is going to go,“ said the 6-month-old white rodent.
Report: Americans Most Physically Active When Getting Comfy
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National Institutes of Health Report: „Key indicators of physical activity such as increased heart rate and respiration reach their peak when Americans are rolling over in bed or wiggling around in order to find a more optimal sitting posture on the couch. Using fitness trackers, we discovered that Americans take most of their daily steps when walking back and forth in their home to ensure that their desired snacks and the remote control were in reach while they’re watching TV“.
Compassionate Fisherman Doesn’t Have Heart To Throw Trout Back Into Incredibly Polluted Lake
Der Wal und der Plastikmüll:
Whale Regrets Eating 290,000 Plastic Poker Chips That Fell Off Container Ship
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At press time, the contrite whale was vowing to stick to a strict diet of krill and the occasional radial tire.

Tierfreunde aufgepasst:
World Wildlife Fund Urges Americans To Just Grab Whatever Animal They See And Try To Keep It Alive
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U.S. residents should immediately locate the closest animal to them, pick it up, hold it in a protective embrace, and then do everything in their power to prevent it from dying.
Report: No One Currently Thinking About You
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WASHINGTON—A comprehensive report issued Thursday has revealed that not a single one of the 7.5 billion inhabitants of earth is thinking about you right now.
Die finale US-Präsidentenwahl:
Electoral College Does What It Was Either Designed To Do Or Explicitly Designed To Prevent
Universe Feels Zero Connection To Guy Tripping On Mushrooms
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Noting that it had yet to experience any sort of oneness with the 22-year-old, the universe confirmed Friday that it felt absolutely zero connection to a local man currently tripping on hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Realistic Day Planner Only Includes First Couple Weeks After Purchase.
Zum „Supermond“:
New Report Finds Americans Most Interested In Science When Moon Looks Different Than Usual

Vom Computer zurück zum Leben:
Accidentally Closing Browser Window With 23 Tabs Open Presents Rare Chance At New Life
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“Oh, my God. I’m free”, said a stunned and wide-eyed Greene, fully realizing that the abrupt disappearance of the Firefox window displaying tabs from Facebook, Reddit, CNN, OkCupid, Gmail, and 18 other websites would allow her to venture in a completely fresh direction and never look back.
Trump am Tag vor der Wahl:
No Matter What Happens Tomorrow, At Least I Had Fun
Anthropologists Discover Isolated Tribe Of Joyful Americans Living In Remote Village Untouched By 2016 Election
Cyclist Clearly Loves Signaling Turns
und weiter:
Local commuter Pete Ulrich remarked: „I’m beginning to think the only reason she’s making any turns at all is so she can signal them.“
Woman Pieces Together Timeline Of Boyfriend’s Past Relationships Like Detective Tracking Zodiac Killer

Report: Feeling Bad Right Now Most Reliable Predictor Of Feeling Bad Forever
und weiter:
In addition, the report’s authors recommended that if you feel bad at present, you should simply save yourself further trouble by abandoning any hope of things ever getting better.
USA Präsidentenwahl:
Disillusioned Hacker Starting To Feel Like He Has No Impact On American Presidential Election
Wistful Kim Jong-Un Stumbles Onto Childhood Drawings He Made Of Nuclear Attacks On West
Parents Trying To Gauge If Son Complete Idiot Before Deciding Whether To Move To Better School District
Horrible Facebook Algorithm Accident Results In Exposure To New Ideas
und weiter:
Quote Mark Zuckerberg: "I want all Facebook users to know that you’ll never again encounter any ideas on our site that are in any way novel or ideologically challenging to you—that’s my personal promise.”
Apartment Broker Recommends Brooklyn Residents Spend No More Than 150% Of Income On Rent
Greek Populace Woken Up At 6 A.M. By Angela Merkel’s Voice Booming Through Loudspeakers Across Country
und weiter:
‘Time For Work,’ Says German Chancellor
Study: Average Person’s Enjoyment Of Vacation Drops 36% For Each Additional Family Member Present
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However, such negative effects could largely be counteracted by a threefold increase in one’s normal alcohol consumption for each additional family member present
NASA Discovers Distant Planet Located Outside Funding Capabilities
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“Proxima b is located one star away from our solar system, or just about $50 billion outside of our current budget,” said NASA administrator Charles Bolden.
Olympiade in Rio de Janeiro:
Rio Police Warn Olympic Runners To Avoid Miles 4 Through 23 Of Marathon Course
und weiter:
“If you absolutely must pass through any areas of the marathon course between miles 4 and 23, we ask that you make sure to let a family member know so they can alert the authorities if you don’t arrive at mile 24 within a reasonable mile time".
Scientists Confirm First Case Of Zika Transmission From Article To Reader
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To prevent further spread of the disease, we recommend individuals avoid reading any part of any article on the subject, as the CDC believes Zika can be transmitted by a single paragraph, or, in some cases, just a headline.
Donald Trump:
Trump Sick And Tired Of Mainstream Media Always Trying To Put His Words Into Some Sort Of Context
Misogynist = Frauenfeind:
Man Entirely Different Misogynist Online Than In Real Life
Vor der U.S. Präsidentenwahl:
World Leaders Pour Into Washington To Pay Last Respects To Dying Nation
Woman Who Doesn’t Use Facebook Completely Out Of Touch With Friends’ Prejudices
Phantasy World:
Investigators: First 48 Hours Most Critical In Locating Missing Children Who Entered Portal To Fantastical World
Nach der BREXIT-Entscheidung:
Americans Confused By System Of Government In Which Leader Would Resign After Making Terrible Decision
Waffen in USA:
Frustrated Nation Out Of Ideas To Solve Gun Violence Problem Except For All The Obvious Ones
und weiter:
At press time, the American people had reportedly resigned themselves to the conclusion that no solution—except for several that 90 percent of them all agreed on—existed, and simply went on with their days without giving the issue any further thought.
Tyson Foods Executives Assure Critics Their Chickens Physically Incapable Of Walking Even If They Had Room
New Parenting Trend Involves Just Handing Children Bulleted List Of Things To Accomplish By 30
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Experts also confirmed that many parents are giving their children a supplementary list of less-preferred, but still suitable, backup plans should they fail to complete the original set of accomplishments.
Antidepressant Medication Label Reminds Users That Pill Should Never Be Mixed With Long Look In Mirror
Kreativer Roboter:
Factory Robot Working On Some Of Its Own Designs After Hours
und weiter:
Saying it had been mulling over the “fun little side project” for a while, an Electroimpact Quadbot reportedly put in some extra work after hours at the Boeing assembly plant Wednesday to try out a few of its own original designs.
2-Hour Meeting Spent Thinking Up Hashtag Absolutely Nobody On Planet Earth Will Ever Use
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At press time, the finalized hashtag, which will generate no social engagement from anyone anywhere in the world at any time, was written in marker on the firm’s white board and emphatically circled by pleased members of the InterGauge marketing team.
Wahlkampf USA:
Nation Unable To Recall If Trump Said He’d Personally Fund Abortion Bombings Or If That Just Sounds Right
Voyager am Ende der Welt angekommen:
Voyager Probe Badly Damaged After Smashing Into End Of Universe
(siehe auch: Voyager)
Military Apologizes After Drone Strike Intended For Yemeni ISIS Base Accidentally Hits West Palm Beach Wedding
Avatar land:
Disney Begins Uploading Obama’s Consciousness To Hall Of Presidents Robot
und weiter:
Computer technicians have begun uploading Barack Obama’s consciousness into his animatronic robot likeness at the Magic Kingdom’s Hall of Presidents exhibit

5km Laufen:
Woman Had No Idea Participating In 5K Walk Could Be So Unrewarding
Report: More Companies Offering Paid Maternity Leave To Mothers Who Complete 3 Months Of Work Ahead Of Time
Peking Smog:
Chinese Astronomers Inform Beijing Residents Sky Will Be Visible For Rare 2-Minute Window Tomorrow Morning
Irak Krieg:
Assault Rifle In Iraq Losing Track Of How Many Times It’s Switched Sides During War
8 German Words You'll Struggle To Pronounce (If You're Not German)
Brötchen, Rührei, Schleswig Holstein, Eichhörnchen, Quietscheentchen, Schlittschuhlaufen, Fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig, Streichholzschächtelchen
Experts Warn Climate Change Will Increase Incidences Of Stepping Into Puddle And Getting Whole Goddamn Foot Soaking Wet
Beyoncés neuer Song über den Tidal Music Streaming Service:
Beyoncé Quickly Releases New Song About How Buying Tidal Subscription Most Empowering Thing A Woman Can Do
Vatikan Drama:
Out-Of-Control Angel Kills Dozens Of Bystanders At Vatican Air Show
Werbung im Internet:
New Study Finds Humans Experience Greatest Feelings Of Joy When Pushing ‘Skip Ad’ Button
U.S. Wahlen:
Report: None Of The 31 Americans Qualified To Be President Running This Year
ExxonMobil CEO Relieved It Finally Too Late To Do Anything About Climate Change
Panama Papers:
Billionaire Reading Name In Panama Papers Totally Forgot He Even Had Funds In Seychelles
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Wow, I haven’t thought about that in years. How much was it again? $30 million? $40 million? Anyway, I’m glad they reminded me. Who knows how long that would have slipped my mind.
Scientists Slowly Reintroducing Small Group Of Normal, Well-Adjusted Humans Into Society
Gleiches Gehalt:
Pathetic Excuse For Man Paid Same Wage As Female Counterpart
Nach der Super-Tuesday Wahl in den USA:
GOP Statisticians Develop New Branch Of Math To Formulate Scenarios In Which Trump Doesn’t Win Nomination
Nach der OSCAR-2016-Verleihung:
Leonardo DiCaprio Morphs Back Into Hairy, Overweight Iowan After Finally Receiving Oscar
Journal of Applied Psychology:
Report: Getting Out Of Bed In Morning Sharply Increases Risk Of Things Getting Even Worse
Nach dem Ausfall (Tod) des Supreme Court Richters Scalia:
Obama Compiles Shortlist Of Gay, Transsexual Abortion Doctors To Replace Scalia
Researchers Announce They Don’t Have Heart To Reveal What Will Happen To 1 In 5 Women
Health Officials Urging Americans To Do Something, Anything For 30 Minutes A Day
Concept Car Designers Struggling To Think Of Cool New Ways For Doors To Open
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At press time, sources confirmed the frustrated designers decided to give up and just go with a doorless car that passengers would have to crawl into through the trunk.
Frauen in Führungspositionen:
Study Finds Girls Outperforming Their Future Employers In School
Die Waffen-Epidemie in den USA:
You Take Away Guns, And Someone’s Just Gonna Invent, Manufacture, And Use A High-Powered Knife Launcher
und weiter:
And don’t say we could just prevent that by banning knife launchers. A criminal could easily kill just as many people with a fully automatic baseball bat flinger.
Woman Feels Like She’s Finally Ready To Start Receiving Unsolicited Vulgar Messages Again
Frustrated Man Doesn’t Know What Else He Can Do To Get Cat Purring
Die weit verbreitete Nahtoderfahrung:
God Refuses To Grant Any More Transcendent Near-Death Experiences To People Who Crash Snowmobiles
Obamas Kampf gegen die Waffenepidemie:
Nation Shudders To Think How Mad NRA (National Rifle Association) Would Be If Obama Actually Proposed Meaningful Gun Control... Americans were reportedly somewhat comforted, however, by the realization that the odds of such a scenario ever occurring are virtually nonexistent.
Die Waffen-Epidemie in den USA:
World Health Organization Adds Gunfire, Explosions To List Of Natural Causes Of Death
Staatliche Fürsorge:
Ohio Replaces Lethal Injection With Humane New Head-Ripping-Off Machine
Liebe über den Tod hinaus:
Elderly Woman Begins Freezing Meals Husband Can Eat While She’s Passed Away
Nachdem ein geistesgestörter Mann drei Menschen in einer Abtreibungsklinik umgebracht hat:
Frustrated Gunman Can’t Believe How Far He Has To Drive To Find Nearest Planned Parenthood Clinic
Convention-Goer Removes Name Tag, Vanishes Back Into World Of Anonymous Hilton Orlando Guests
Nach dem Urlaub:
Employee Returns From Vacation Refreshed, Ready To Waste Time